Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Breaking News 66: Cult of Mac: Change From iCloud As Default Save Location In Text Edit Mountain Lion [OS X Tips]

Breaking News 66
Cult of Mac: Change From iCloud As Default Save Location In Text Edit Mountain Lion [OS X Tips]
Aug 29th 2012, 13:59

Cult of Mac
Breaking news for Apple fans
Change From iCloud As Default Save Location In Text Edit Mountain Lion [OS X Tips]
Aug 29th 2012, 13:00

If you’ve upgraded to OS X Mountain Lion, you’ll have realized as soon as you launched Text Edit, Apple’s basic text editing program, that the default location for saving files is iCloud. Which is all very fine and dandy, but what if you don’t want to save all your random Text Edit stuff in iCloud? Are you out of luck?

Nope, of course not! Why would we even be writing this tip if you were?

There’s a simple Terminal command which will set the default to your local hard drive instead of the cloud, via iCloud. You can still save to iCloud; it just won’t be the first place that shows up when you hit “Save” while in a Text Edit (or other iCloud-enabled app).

To make this happen, launch Terminal from your Utilities folder, which is in the Applications folder. ONce Terminal app launches, type or paste the following command in:

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool false

Now, when you go to save a file in Text Edit or other iCloud-enabled apps, the default will be on your local Mac, instead of iCloud. Mine defaults to my Documents folder. You can still save to iCloud, of course, just click on the popup menu and choose iCloud as your save location, as per usual.

If you find yourself wanting to save stuff to iCloud more easily, again, and want to turn things back to the way they were, simply type or paste the below command into a Terminal session. Easy!

defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSDocumentSaveNewDocumentsToCloud -bool true

Now it’ll all be back to iCloud as normal. Hooray!

Are you using OS X Mountain Lion? Got a tip you want to share with us? (sorry, you need Javascript to see this e-mail address) or leave a comment below.

Source: Macworld Hints

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