Let's say you want to program, oh, everything. Websites, responsive-design websites, iOS games, and iOS apps. Then let's through in, just for kicks and giggles, Ruby and PS6. Cool?
This is hours and hours of classes. If you take classes the "traditional" way in a classroom, getting through all this will take a while. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for in-person classes (I teach them myself), but I'm also a big fan of self-paced, online courses that let you learn at your pace and on your own terms/time.
This is why I like these bundle deals for courses. Like the Programming Bootcamp we kick off today.
You can go check out the deal for everything you get, that's not the point of this post. The point here is a teacher talking about learning.
As many of you know I teach classes at the University of British Columbia (WordPress and podcasting) and I've written a few books on social media (one included hours of video content), but what you might not know is that I've written two online learning courses as well.
I've written both a WordPress and Intro to Social Media course. Why? Because I know, as a teacher, that everyone learns differently. I really like that we have courses offered here—right now the Programming Bootcamp—that allow people to learn what they want, when they want, and (frankly) at a great price. Watching a video (and yes, I take these courses too), doing the exercise, and reading the background is a fundamentally powerful way to learn. Myself, I like to watch the videos on my iPad so I can focus on the "doing" part on my Mac (for something like programming or learning an app).
I mean, let's face it, we all know that to stay on top you need to keep learning. You need to get new skills and hone your current ones (sharpening the saw). Taking a course online, especially something like programming, is a great way to do this.
Take it from a teacher—and learner—that online video courses are great and when you have a chance like this one to pick up a ton of courses (you don't have to take them all now you know) in one fell swoop—do it.
And by-the-by, we have a couple other coolio things for you. Speaking of online courses we have a "Learn to Create a Song in Garageband" freebie (break out the air guitar people!) and…oh this is great…
Win an iPhone 5 when it comes out giveaway.
Yeah you read that right. Go on and check it out.
But don't forget about the programming classes.
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